Maintenance of the historically valuable burial grounds and commemoration of the honoured deceased family members and ancestors
On 25 April 2013, the association known by the abbreviation ‘MMFG’ was founded by the descendants of the Georg Heinrich Mautner Markhof line. The rights to use the graves in the cemeteries in
were transferred to him in order to create a common basis for the preservation of the valuable resting places.
The aim is not only to put the costs of care, management and renovation on a broader family basis, but also to ensure the best possible preservation for the descendants of future generations.
Vienna, June 2017
Dear, dear family!
The generational succession of all times raises the question of how a family group, the nuclear family, indeed each and every one of us, intends to deal with the memory of our ancestors.
The ‘how’ in particular is a very good indicator of how we deal with traditional values, which we all more or less refer to and are aware of. It reflects our attitude and our claim to family tradition!
Not showing the necessary respect to those to whom we owe everything – even if it is only our lives – would ultimately also serve as a role model for our descendants to shirk this self-evident duty.
One of these duties, the maintenance of all our family graves, was solved very nicely and amicably at the time of the legendary ‘platoon of four’ (‘Viererzug’), consisting of the Gerhard, Manfred, Georg and Gustav lines – a corresponding clearing account was set up at Th&G Mautner Markhof KG for this purpose (for those who can still remember, dear Mr Altmann was in charge of the agenda at the time). A wonderful and practical solution for everyone! However, it also had the disadvantage, as it turned out, that we were relieved of our own responsibility – to take personal account of the obvious. With the passing of Uncle Georg J.E. MM, the transition to the next generation was unfortunately neither complete nor successful.
So it was up to my brother Theodor and me to find a solution. Our first approach, a foundation, turned out to be too cost-intensive and hardly realisable.
Misunderstandings, but also a lack of understanding of the need to look after all our graves and crypts, didn´t help the cause at the time.
It was only with the founding of our MMFG association that the reservations were finally overcome and the accomplishment of this important task was placed on a broader basis. It is worth noting that the board of the association is again largely made up of the descendants of the last ‘platoon of four’. I would like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to Francis, Diana and Viktor for their tireless efforts and to recognise the great commitment and important input from Berni and Heinrich in drawing up the statutes and our corporate design.
The renovations and logistics for the ongoing care of the various burial sites that have been realised in recent years alone are truly impressive. It should be mentioned that we are also very happy to take over the care of further family graves in the future. It is important to emphasise that we want to maintain every grave under our care in the best possible way, regardless of the proximity of the degree of kinship. It also goes without saying that every member of the association is free to reserve a place in a particular crypt.
Although we are making good progress and believe we can say that the general condition of all the sites under our care once again reflects the good reputation of our extended family, our work is far from complete! Further tasks await the association. Starting with the conclusion of the most favourable burial insurance possible, through the maintenance of the data for the Gotha, to the expansion of the newly created information and communication platform for the family. There is no shortage of diverse tasks, and every idea or initiative is very welcome!
We should find each other in the memory of our common, deep roots. We should unite in our respect for the unconditional will and willingness to work hard – which made all of this possible in the first place. And despite all the differences, which ultimately also mean diversity, we should work together to ensure that our history is preserved for the future and not be the generation during which it begins to fade into the sands of anonymity.
Your Manfred Leo
Mag. Manfred L. Mautner Markhof